About The Children and Manna Academy
John 15:12 "This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you."

People are the reason that God does everything and people are who God uses to carry out His purpose. We connect to people that have proven their intentions to make disciples in their community and partner with them in their efforts. This is how we model Biblical collaboration. We are all co-laborers in this effort and no one knows the hearts and minds of the people in a specific geographic location like the people that live there. In our commitment to make relationships paramount, we would like to introduce you to our friend and partner with Our Next.

If you climb the large outcropping of massive boulders near the dirt road, you can see the fishing boats on Lake Victoria in the distance. The vantage point allows one to see the green roof of a primary school. There’s a dash each morning to reach the barbed wire fence line that barely supports a wooden gate. The kids arrive early after walking several miles alone. They are not early to get a head start on the day’s assignments, but for the warm bowl of porridge that awaits them daily. The teachers are already in the classroom preparing for the day. The chalk boards have been struck with lines and the little bodies make their way to crowded desks. This is Manna Academy. Manna offers hope to over 275 orphans in a community that has been ravaged with the effects of poverty, AIDS and Malaria. Manna currently has 11 classes from Baby class of 3 years of age up to grade 8. After the children of Manna complete the 8th grade they will need to test to go on to secondary school. Some may test well and some may not.... where will their NEXT step be? We know God has a plan for each of them. We love this place and you will too!